I think I’ve written this blog before. Or at least a version of it. Back in 2007 it was titled, “Haters, Naysayers and Malcontents.”
The big difference these days is that I seem to have eliminated most of those types of people from my life, which I’m thankful for. Toxic people and especially passive-aggressive and overly judgmental people are the worst. Mind you, I’m not such a hypocrite that I don’t realize I judge people as well, however I somehow think it’s better to judge LOUDLY and openly, rather than keep that shit to yourself and let it fester or even worse – leave people not knowing how you feel about something. I’m pretty content with people knowing how I feel – whether they like it or not. I’ll take a heavy dose of hurtful truths over comfortable lies and hidden contempt any day.
So where am I today and what exactly is my truth? Well…there begins (or rather continues) the story of this “life less ordinary.” Funny, my cousin Jennifer’s boyfriend (who I’ve only met on one other occasion) said to me today, “oh yeah, we’ve met, you’re the crazy one” while we were visiting my Grandma Anne in the hospital. YES. I’m the crazy one. Marginally crazy. Safe-around-children crazy. Sometimes situationally crazy, or maybe just silly crazy or fun crazy or not afraid what anyone thinks of me crazy. Legally speaking, 33% crazy if we’re being technical and going off the Workers Comp report….but also 100% crazy fucking awesome. And you can take THAT to the bank. I’ve learned to embrace the term “crazy” because at this point in my life – I’ve been described as crazy more times than I can count. Usually by judgey people whose lives I would never want to trade places with. So what if I bought a tiny house on wheels and plan to travel the country with my 2 cats for a year? Sounds pretty rad to me….and to most people who aren’t so terrified of the unexpected and the out of the ordinary that they stay tied to their predictable, routine, and all too often regrettable lives. Stuck on the hamster wheel of life…and not going anywhere. I will never be that person. And today, I’m deeply thankful for that.
I used to want to be married and settled down so badly. I tried and tried and tried to make it work with my ex’s. Thinking that if I did everything I was supposed to do, loved them, accepted them, tolerated them, spoiled them, settled for less than what I deserve because it was for the “good of the cause” – it would be enough. It was never enough. For many years I believed I WAS NEVER ENOUGH for them. However, after 3 engagements with no marriages, countless romances that didn’t work out and multiple broken hearts – I finally understand that it wasn’t because I wasn’t enough for them – it was more that what they offered was never enough for me. And once again I’m reminded of a past blog, “The Butterfly Effect” – you see, I’ve always been this way deep down.
There’s something great to be said about consistency. And Shannon Reece is nothing if not consistent. Some may say I’m consistently an asshole, but that’s a shallow and superficial assessment that I know is inaccurate. I’m only an asshole on the surface…. Bahahaha. Underneath I’m a sweetheart of a gal who’d do anything for my friends and gives far more than I ever expect to receive. (Thank my Mother. She’s like Saint Fucking Dawn and hers are big shoes to fill when it comes to selflessness). Holy hell…. I think this whiskey I’m drinking is making me toot my own horn a little too much and even I think I sound like a complete asshole right now. Moving on….
My Tiny House on Wheels (do you all know the term by now? Can I pleeeeease refer to it as a THOW now? Thanks) will be done sometime in May at which time I will fly my Gypsy Wanderlusting ass (lots of lusting lately…but that’s for paragraph 6) up to Oregon and pick it up. I KNOW. I KNOW. I don’t have a truck. But I’ll get one…these are not difficult problems to solve people. I have a credit score of like 710…I’m good. Bahahaha. I may be poor and living on $4k a month, but years of making good money has left me with excellent credit! Thanks Law Enforcement. And I was fortunate enough to have my babies when I was a baby, so they are adults now who are self-supporting. Other than the cats, I don’t have to be responsible for anyone else – how cool is THAT? I don’t have many of these years to enjoy, no one really does. Aren’t we all just one tragic accident, one cancer diagnosis, one parent becoming ill, one unexpected event away from our lives changing to something we have no control over? We are. I know it. I am thankful every single day for the life I have and know full well how quickly it can all change. I have been through those trials before and weathered the storms that life always brings. And I can honestly say I am better for it. I have such a rich appreciation for what each day brings….be it laying in bed all day and doing nothing or spending time with friends or galivanting off to some remote hot spring to tune the world out for a few days and get in touch with myself. I have been blessed and I will never take a moment for granted. (FLASHBACK! One time a nice man I was dating wrote me a letter and misspelled “Granted” as “Granite” and I totally ripped him apart and judged him. What a total dick I am. However, in the interest of reality…he was in his late 40’s and looking to get married and have kids ASAP and I was NOT looking for that….so his sappy love letter was rightfully rejected, and I gave him the boot. Poor spelling and grammar aside, we were not well suited. He then met a nice woman, married her and quickly had two kids. See? I know what’s best for people…even when they don’t.)
OH MY GAWD. I’m looking at Neville the Cat laying next to me right now and I shit you not…he’s the most amazing creature to ever walk the earth (NO, I’m not high). I need to take a picture…but my damn phone is hooked up to my Bose speaker and I’m listening to the BEST playlist. Ever wonder why I don’t answer some of your calls? It’s because when my phone is plugged into my speaker and the tunes are on…. I’m basically in a musical trance and can’t be bothered by calls. Music fills my soul…. like nothing else. OK, maybe like my love for Neville the Cat, or mind-blowing sex, or being in love (they can be mutually exclusive btw)…but lordy lordy I love me some good music. Chris Cornell is currently singing, “I am the Highway” and then hopefully the shuffle feature plays some Michael Kiwanuka who I am currently obsessed with. Look him up my gypsy, soulful brethren…you will thank me.
OK…on to the juicy stuff. Comparable to bikini selfies…. for you pervy voyeurs who are always interested in my “Shannanigins.” So, check THIS craziness out…. does anyone recall when I said that 2018 was going to be the “year of YES”?? (As you Shannonbookers may remember, 2017 was known as the “year of travel”). WELL…. funny thing, I thought the year of yes meant I was going to be saying yes to lots of illicit activities with men that are way too young or otherwise unsuitable for me. Turns out 2018 is about saying yes to what I want…. which is not necessarily getting naked with hot young (or older) men. It’s truly odd and at the same time empowering. #metoo (just kidding! No one harasses this chick without living to rue the day). I’ve had some fun and interesting encounters with men this year. For those who recall that poor guy that got put on blast on Facebook Live for being a huge vajayjay…. hahaha. After that unfortunate incident, I decided I’m not about to settle for such nonsense again. So, “younger and hot” is no longer a search criterion. I have vetted and already dispo’d several guys that I was interested in…. but I don’t feel sad or disappointed. I feel like I’m listening to my inner self….and she is not interested in anyone’s nonsense or excuses or BS at this point. Like I said…life is oh so short. SO…. I’m flying up to Central Cali this weekend to meet up with a guy I’ve never met. He’s a nature freak like me and is into Tiny Houses and that Gypsy life. Now, he COULD be a serial killer, but I don’t think so. And if he was he’d be a ’la Ted Bundy (who was kind of hot right?). I’m not scared. It’s gonna be a blast! Hiking and adventuring with a hot stranger sounds fun. Don’t worry I did the requisite Google searches and have found nothing alarming about his background. And my top 3 assassin girlfriends have his personal info in case I turn up missing. What’s life if you don’t take chances? It could be epic…or it could be just a fun weekend. There’s no way it’s not going to be awesome, of that I’m certain. Carpe Diem my friends, Carpe Diem.
And just like that…. Van Morrison hits the playlist with “Into the Mystic.” Yesssssss. Rock my Gypsy soul….
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