I'm tired. As I sit here staring at my computer, waiting for the words to come...all I can think is, "I'm tired."
Tired of laying my feelings on the line, only to have them misunderstood, or even worse - ignored. Why do I even blog or journal anymore? I tell myself it's to make a record of my memories and my life....but for whom? I read them from time to time, and they only serve to depress me and make me sad over the state of my emotions. I wonder if anyone ever truly will care enough to want to know THAT much about my feelings and my thoughts....? Highly unlikely.
So these days I just sit....staring at a keyboard, and waiting for some epiphany to let loose the floodgates and allow the words to come. Only it never happens. Which leaves me feeling sad, and empty. And as though everything I ever had to say that was of any importance, any significance, any consequence at all - to ANYONE....has already been said.
And then I wonder; if I have nothing else to say at 41 years old....where exactly do I go from here?
The question you need to ask is simple.
Who are you doing this for?
Most people write for one of two reasons:
1. They enjoy the process and get a great deal of self-satisfaction from the act of writing.
2. They are hoping to connect with people and get some kind of reaction from their readers.
When you soulsearch for that answer, you'll know what to say next.
I finally know..
do tell….
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