So this year, they each got one small gift...and $300 each. But I only gave them the small gift at first...and didn't tell them there was $300 on each of their pillows in their bedroom. So, I give them each the small gift...Doug some headphones, Daryl a docking station for PSP...and they are completely content with them! They didn't ask "is that it?" or anything!! In fact, it was about an hour after they got here that I had to FORCE them to go up to their room and "make their beds." Of course they were thrilled to get the money....but the nice part is...they were just as thrilled without it. Perhaps I should have kept the $600 for myself. LOL. Anyway, I'm happy they can buy whatever they really want now...I think it will be an XBox and a new IPOD for Doug. Their Dad just got them clothes...and while they like clothes...that's not a cool gadgety I'm happy to have provided the means for their "gadgety" xmas wish.
After a while, I took them to the movies to see "The Bucket List." Too bad, I could have wrote the script for this damn movie - seeing as I wrote my own bucket list back in 1996. I got the suggestion from some article in Cosmo magazine....write down the 50 things you want to do before you die. Well, I'll be damned if I don't still have the list from 11 years ago. It's kind of funny now, the things on my list. But they were written from the perspective of a completely broke single mother of two babies, who was a new cop struggling with the sudden realities of real life. I remember back then not having enough money to pay the phone bill, let alone take a vacation with my kids. I think I was making about $2500 a month (after taxes), paying $800 a month in childcare, $1200 a month in rent, and then food, a car payment, and electricity pretty much tapped me out. It sucked being so poor....but it taught me alot in retrospect.'s my old bucket list. I've managed to do about half of them so far...(the ones in bold)....and the rest, well I'll check it again in another 10 years...and see where I'm at.
1. Go to Ireland
2. Have another child
3. Become a Foster parent
4. Join the "Big Sisters" organization
5. Volunteer at a homeless shelter with the kids (done it only w/o the kids so far...gotta get them to go!)
6. Earn my Degree (hopefully done in 09)
7. Become politically aware on U.S. & Foreign policy
8. Take Boxing lessons9. Coach my sons sports team
10. Pay off all my Nana's bills
11. Take the boys and my nephews to Disneyworld (probly too late for that)
12. Go on vacation to the Grand Canyon
13. Go to a Carribean Island (without the kids)
14. Earn the respect of my peers as both a woman and an officer (I doubt I'll ever be able to measure this...but it would be nice)
15. Find out what it's like to really be in love
16. Take a train cross-country
17. Visit Africa
18. Do something to help end racism (hmm...does having non-racist mixed kids help? I'm gonna say yes.)
19. Own my own horse (this was before I realized I'm allergic to
20. Walk on a beach at sunset with the guy from 1521. See my boys get married
22. Take philosophy classes
23. Write a book
24. Get married (funny how far down the list this
25. Help someone when no one else would
26. Own my own home
27. Throw a huge party for all my friends (this will probly be my funeral!)
28. Have an orgasm (AHAHAHAHA - that's a funny one.)
29. See my kids graduate from college
30. Hold my grandchildren
31. Have a portrait of me and the boys painted
32. Go to a spa
33. Own a beautiful silk robe
34. Spend a romantic weekend in the mountains
35. Forgive people for their shortcomings and misdeeds (I try everday)
36. Write my memoirs from life within LAPD (that was a real eye-opener)
37. Get a boob job (AHAHAHAHA - another good one)
38. Make a will
39. Take up running
40. Become more spiritual
41. Read the Bible
42. Teach my boys how to play basketball43. Take the boys to a Chicago Bulls game (they used to LOVE Jordan)
44. Take the boys to a museum of art & history
45. Take up Aerobics (Tae-Bo)
46. Take my boys and nephew to a circus
47. Learn to speak fluent Spanish
48. Teach my boys (and learn myself) about Kwanza
49. Find peace within myself
50. Go on a shopping spree!
Starting on a new "Bucket list".....little by little I'll add to it when I think of something worthwhile.
1. Get serious about working out and get my ass in shape
2. Do the yoga thing...seriously
3. Visit New England in the Fall
4. Take the boys to China
5. Take the boys on a cruise to Alaska
6. Hike the Grand Canyon
7. Make amends with my family
8. Organize all my photos and writings into one comprehensive computer file
9. See father Salazar arrested and convicted...or dead.
10. Visit Washington DC, see police memorial & other monuments
c. December 25, 2007
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