Current mood: vibrant
As far as my work goes - I absoutely LOVE my partners and co-workers - I consider them family and would do anything for them! I however, do NOT like to mix my business and my personal life...bad idea. To quote my favorite D.I. in the academy, "you don't get your meat, the same place you get your bread." Very solid advice. Causes nothing but problems. Hence, the more often than not, "tragically single" aspect of my life. Never meet anyone local except suspects, and co-workers it seems....and neither is an option.
I have many friends, though few are part of the "inner circle." Jennifer, Sandy, Vicki, Lisa, Carla, Nicole...these girls know me better than most, and understand what moves and motivates me. Everyone else is probably confused by my multi-faceted personality. Here are some random factoids about me and my personal views....
I'd say I'm fiscally and governmentally conservative, but lifestyle liberal. Love the U.S.A, but think it's a little too enabling sometimes. I'm all for welfare reform and doing away with the spoiled sense of "entitlement" that many citizens have. Support our Pres, registered Dem, but sometimes vote Republican. Believe in Obama in 08! Miss Bill Clinton and the days when all we worried about was his infideltiy. I'm pro-choice, pro-death penalty, but think both are a horrible solution to our societies growing dysfunction and inability to police itself and act ethically and responsibly. Beleive in the theory of evolution vs. creationism. Respect everyone's views on everything - so long as they don't shove them down my throat. Wish every day that this war was over...but support our military completely. Have a thing for big hands, nice smiles, and guys in camo's or BDU's.
Prefer intelligent conversation over mindless banter. Love to cook for people. Think avocado's are the perfect food. Have been trying to lose 8 lbs for as long as I can remember! Haven't written any poetry in a few years, but have already written enough to fill an entire book, and have had some stuff published. Become virtually speechless at the sight of a beautiful sunrise or sunset. Am probably more grounded and spiritual than my actions lead people to believe. Beleive strongly in karma and in the old adage, "what goes around comes around." Beleive in love and marriage - but think people take them both for granted and often don't respect either. At this point in my life I do not feel compelled to be someones "wife" or "girlfriend" - I'm perfectly happy with my own identity. Am still somewhat unnerved and caught off guard when a man actually looks at me.
I'm convinced that character, integrity, hard work and compassion are far more important traits to posess than a large bank account or a higher social stature. Have met homeless people who have more class and dignity than some millionaires I know. Will call 911 on every suspected drunk driver I see on the freeway. Will stop off duty to help at the scene of traffic accidents, or to help old people load their groceries in their car. Can not tolerate cocky and arrogant people. Won't even try to compete with the hot 20-somethings - I'm comfortable with the woman I am. Can still party like a rockstar, then throw on a business suit and handle my cases at work the next day. Have the ability to fit into just about every social setting. Don't really care what your sexual orientation is or what religion you subscribe to - as long as you're a good person, and are open and honest with those around you. Don't care for liars or cheaters - or anyone who has unnecessary drama in their life.
Like to be the voice of reason in a group - but have been known to get really ghetto if the situation calls for it. Can speak fluent ebonics. Can dance like I spent my entire childhood watching Soul Train and every random breakdancing movie ever made (which I did). Am always dissapointed in the ignorance of people when they use racial slurs. Sleep with a teddy bear my son's gave me for Christmas 6 years ago. Think that the sound of my sons laughter is the most heart warming and satisfying sound on the planet. Know that if anything ever happens to one of my kids - they will have to 5150 me. Miss my Dad more than anyone realizes. Wish my Mom and I were closer, but have accepted the fact that we probably never will be. Have a brother I see maybe once a year. Wish I could take some time off and travel the world for 6 months. Love getting older, except for the effects it is having on my skin! Have made more than my fair share of mistakes in life, but have learned from every one of I'm only getting better....
WHEW!!!!! enough about me......:)
c. June 24, 2006