Sunday, December 7, 2008


Current mood: vibrant is the deal....been a cop for 13 years now, first with LAPD, now with another agency. Worked patrol for 10 years, got my fill and went to Detectives (love it!). Currently investigating sexual assualts and Internet Crimes Against Children (hence, the large amount of time I spend online). Love this assignment, although it is very overwhelming at times. Lots of pervs out there, not enough time to get them all. I'm required to look at alot of very nasty stuff on the internet, most of which is pornographic. After a while, it begins to warp your brain a little. I'm trying to keep a normal, healthy perspective on much as I can. Although, sometimes.....I feel a little more left of center than most.
As far as my work goes - I absoutely LOVE my partners and co-workers - I consider them family and would do anything for them! I however, do NOT like to mix my business and my personal life...bad idea. To quote my favorite D.I. in the academy, "you don't get your meat, the same place you get your bread." Very solid advice. Causes nothing but problems. Hence, the more often than not, "tragically single" aspect of my life. Never meet anyone local except suspects, and co-workers it seems....and neither is an option.
I have many friends, though few are part of the "inner circle." Jennifer, Sandy, Vicki, Lisa, Carla, Nicole...these girls know me better than most, and understand what moves and motivates me. Everyone else is probably confused by my multi-faceted personality. Here are some random factoids about me and my personal views....
I'd say I'm fiscally and governmentally conservative, but lifestyle liberal. Love the U.S.A, but think it's a little too enabling sometimes. I'm all for welfare reform and doing away with the spoiled sense of "entitlement" that many citizens have. Support our Pres, registered Dem, but sometimes vote Republican. Believe in Obama in 08! Miss Bill Clinton and the days when all we worried about was his infideltiy. I'm pro-choice, pro-death penalty, but think both are a horrible solution to our societies growing dysfunction and inability to police itself and act ethically and responsibly. Beleive in the theory of evolution vs. creationism. Respect everyone's views on everything - so long as they don't shove them down my throat. Wish every day that this war was over...but support our military completely. Have a thing for big hands, nice smiles, and guys in camo's or BDU's.
Prefer intelligent conversation over mindless banter. Love to cook for people. Think avocado's are the perfect food. Have been trying to lose 8 lbs for as long as I can remember! Haven't written any poetry in a few years, but have already written enough to fill an entire book, and have had some stuff published. Become virtually speechless at the sight of a beautiful sunrise or sunset. Am probably more grounded and spiritual than my actions lead people to believe. Beleive strongly in karma and in the old adage, "what goes around comes around." Beleive in love and marriage - but think people take them both for granted and often don't respect either. At this point in my life I do not feel compelled to be someones "wife" or "girlfriend" - I'm perfectly happy with my own identity. Am still somewhat unnerved and caught off guard when a man actually looks at me.
I'm convinced that character, integrity, hard work and compassion are far more important traits to posess than a large bank account or a higher social stature. Have met homeless people who have more class and dignity than some millionaires I know. Will call 911 on every suspected drunk driver I see on the freeway. Will stop off duty to help at the scene of traffic accidents, or to help old people load their groceries in their car. Can not tolerate cocky and arrogant people. Won't even try to compete with the hot 20-somethings - I'm comfortable with the woman I am. Can still party like a rockstar, then throw on a business suit and handle my cases at work the next day. Have the ability to fit into just about every social setting. Don't really care what your sexual orientation is or what religion you subscribe to - as long as you're a good person, and are open and honest with those around you. Don't care for liars or cheaters - or anyone who has unnecessary drama in their life.
Like to be the voice of reason in a group - but have been known to get really ghetto if the situation calls for it. Can speak fluent ebonics. Can dance like I spent my entire childhood watching Soul Train and every random breakdancing movie ever made (which I did). Am always dissapointed in the ignorance of people when they use racial slurs. Sleep with a teddy bear my son's gave me for Christmas 6 years ago. Think that the sound of my sons laughter is the most heart warming and satisfying sound on the planet. Know that if anything ever happens to one of my kids - they will have to 5150 me. Miss my Dad more than anyone realizes. Wish my Mom and I were closer, but have accepted the fact that we probably never will be. Have a brother I see maybe once a year. Wish I could take some time off and travel the world for 6 months. Love getting older, except for the effects it is having on my skin! Have made more than my fair share of mistakes in life, but have learned from every one of I'm only getting better....
WHEW!!!!! enough about me......:)
c. June 24, 2006

Letting it go....

Current mood: Disheartened & Lost.
I guess I've always been this way, but lately it feels more and more like I'm the queen of "letting it go." No matter how hurtful the betrayal, how deep the insult, how callous the sentiment, how bad the heartbreak, how obvious the inconsideration or disregard for my feelings - I'm always inclined to turn the other cheek and just "let it go." Sure, I can be insensitive sometimes, some people would even say downright selfish. But my thoughtlessness has always been just that.....thoughtless. Never intended, never pre-meditated or thought out in advance....never anything more than just going too many directions at one time, and overlooking how my actions might affect those around me. Even if I may seem insensitive or selfish at's never been my intention. Ever. Which is why it's so hurtful to me when those I love go about planning things that they know are going to hurt me. And never even bother to give any indication as to what's going on in their head, right under your nose....and behind your back.
It's water under the bridge, it's in the past, they didn't mean it, that's life, shit happens, I probably deserved that, it's my fault, this will blow over.....All too common expressions in my vocabulary it seems. Trite expressions that never fully wipe away the hurt and the heartache that is caused when someone you love overlooks your feelings and justifies their actions with whatever excuse or explanation suits them. And while I could try to discuss these issues with the people I love, I choose to minimize and dismiss my own feelings - so as not to put anyone on the spot, or cause them anymore discomfort than I already have. My hurt feelings are never as important to me as they should be....or very important to anyone else it would seem.
Maybe I do deserve some of what's been thrust upon me in the past year. Maybe I do deserve to be rejected by those people closest to me. Forget about the all-too-common callousness my own children wreak upon me. They're just kids (so I keep telling myself.) Forget about the dissapointment I hear in my mothers voice when I speak to her. We've never been very close (so I keep telling myself). But even my closest friends and confidants have no qualms about trashing me, and trampling all over my heart. Excluding me...or even worse, actually uninviting me - from everything from weddings, to holidays, to concerts, to birthdays, to the birth of a child. How bad a person must I be to garner such treatment? Or maybe everyone just takes for granted that I've always been willing and able to just blow this kind of stuff off.
Maybe it is partially my fault. Maybe I need to look in the mirror and figure out what I'm doing wrong. Why I'm always the scapegoat and the fall guy for every bad event and misinterpretation. Maybe it is just me. But I doubt it. And at what point do I say enough? Enough of always forgiving, and understanding, and quietly turning the other cheek and accepting these hurtful slights as they come my way. Enough of putting my feelings - my thought out, well intended, raw feelings, aside. At what point do I start holding those I love accountable for the pain they cause me? The way they always seem to have no problem holding me accountable. I just don't know. It always seems so much easier to simply let it go, or to take the blame for whatever goes wrong.
But these days, the more I turn the other cheek and try to just "let it go" - the more it feels like what I'm really doing is letting them go. Though I wonder if those people even notice, or care. Life moves forward I guess, people change, priorities change, the dynamics of relationships change. That's all very common. Such is life I suppose. But after years of constantly changing dynamics within my inner circle, I understand that recognizing and accepting these changes with careful consideration for those you love is a far better way of coping than pointing fingers, placing blame, and becoming exclusive.
c. September 3, 2008

Having kids

Here is the thing, if you read the other blog I wrote today, you'll know that I had some friends over this morning for b-fast. That got me to wondering about my kids (you can't see the leap in my thought process, but I assure you it all makes sense to me). Well, my good friends know me pretty well (I think). So they are probably not too concerned about my constant complaining about my kids and their disrespectful behavior (UGH - TEENAGERS). But it occurred to me that maybe some people wonder what kind of Mom I am - who's kids don't even live with her anymore, and who complains about them so much. Which got me to thinking about kids, and having them, and loving them, and all that kind of stuff.
And here's the deal with having kids (for those of you who don't have any yet):
Having kids is the most amazing thing in the world. You really can't describe the feeling of love that goes with it. It's not like a being super super in love with someone. It's very different. Kids are forever. Kids can act like total assholes, and say the meanest, cruelest, most low-blow stuff to you - and yet you would still throw yourself in front of a train if it meant saving them. I used to worry that if something happened to one of my boys - I would kill myself before living a life without them in it. I've always thought having two was a good thing, because if something happened to one, I'd have the other - to give me a reason to stay alive. But even then, if something happened to one of them - I would be so inconsolable - that I still can't imagine waking up every day without them on this earth. It's a scary feeling sometimes. Even when you don't see them - when they grow up and move away - you know they are there - they are doing their thing, and they are somewhere. They are alright, and living their life. Parents are supposed to die before their kids, that's the natural way. I think kids can't possibly love their parents as much as we love them - it's not the way it works. Their happiness is more important than our own - that's just the way being a parent is.
So while my boys make me crazy, and act like jerks sometimes (lately a lot of the time). There is still nothing on this earth that can give me as much happiness, as much satisfaction, and as much peace of mind - as being their Mom. One day we will be friends again, I hope. And one day - when they have kids of their own, they will realize what it feels like to care this much, and to have a heart so full of love that it aches every time they pull away from you....
c. July 29, 2007

The Butterfly Effect

No - not a dating blog. Not really. But here's the thing - as I sit alone on a Friday night, contemplating the various reasons why I can't seem to stay interested in any of the super nice guys I've dated in the last year for longer than a month or two, I've come to the conclusion that what these guys have been lacking is "The Butterfly Effect." No, not like that movie with Ashton Kutcher either...

You see, I'm daydreaming about the VERY few guys that I've known in the past that I would love to see again - to go out with again - to whatever again...and I realize that what they all had in common was that "X" factor. They didn't all look alike, and some of them I only met once or twice....but they all had that undeniable THING about them, that certain something that makes a person utterly intoxicating. I guess for guys it might be just as simple as big old boobs or a nice ass, but women are much more tuned in to the UNSEEN aspects of what makes a man attractive. And I'd have to say - without a doubt - the most interesting, irresistable, sexy, appealing, and engaging men I've ever known aren't the ones who have doted on me, or the ones who have been super hot, or have even been anything terribly remarkable to the average person. The ones I can't stop thinking of are the ones that gave me those crazy butterflies in my stomach....sometimes with a kiss...sometimes just by the way they looked at me....I can't seem to qualify what it was exactly that they did, or had, that gave me those butterflies...but it was always intense.

So there you have it....The Butterfly Effect. I guess being with someone that doesn't give me butterflies just isn't an option for me. Because then, all I do is think about how much I miss that feeling, and wonder why I am wasting my time with someone who provides nothing more than "convenient companionship." Which let's face it, for anyone that knows me...knows that has never been something I'm willing to settle for. Like is too temporary to suffer through a mediocre and unfulfilling romance. Therefore I refuse to do it. Like that quote from Steel Magnolias - "I'd rather have 30 minutes of something wonderful, than a whole lifetime of nothing special." So true, so true....such is my life.

So yeah....I think I'll be alone again for a while. Better that, than being with someone who doesn't inspire me, or provoke that sensation deep down in the pit of my stomach, that undeniable burning passion that makes everything else in the world pale in comparison....
ugh. God. I'm surrounded by machismo men everywhere I turn - and yet I'm such a GIRL it's pathetic.

c. August 31, 2007

Inspiration and Heartache

Inspiration and heartache.
I'm reminded of how much I used to write. Poetry, journal entries, letters. And yet....I don't think I've written anything terribly poignant in many years. I feel saddened that my life has become so hectic and matter-of-fact, so seemingly routine....that I have lost the ability to convey my emotions with lyrical and thoughtful words. I just dug out an old notebook and was surpirsed by my own thoughts and poems I had forgotten were ever even put to paper. And I'm suddenly struck by the fact that it may very well be better to be tragically passionate and vulnerable, than to be painfully in control and safe.
So here are a few of my past efforts in describing what it's like to be in a relationship that is obviously going nowhere....but not getting there fast enough. Dating someone who lies and cheats is a big bummer - especially with all the mind trip bullshit you have to deal with. Thank god I'm not the same person I was a few years ago....
Oh, and I thought I'd throw in a recent mind-dump and the police prose...just to show you that I don't always write about screwed up relationships...:)
and so I find myself here - in the familiar territory of the past - over run with ghosts who are reminders - that love, it never lasts...
I feel the threat of heartache looming - the fear of failure once again - my belly aches with indecision - torn by suspicions that will not mend...
my mind reels with this reality - that I wish could be ignored - justification would be sweet mercy - but I can not muster it, anymore...
this place - I know it well - I wrote the writing on the wall - always hopeful in the beginning - only to suffer throughout the fall...
too many times I've travelled here - vowing each journey would be my last - too many times I've been destroyed - by lessons learned throughout the past...
so now I see the markings - I see the signs that lye ahead - slight deceptions, almost innocent - though they raise the flags bright red...
I stand along this roadside - of lilfe, which has no map - this road that leads me in a circle - and always brings me back...
A fool will live each moment - unaware of consequence - but I can be a fool no more - so love falls prey to common sense.

Wrapped in indecision
And suffering my pride
Love slips between my fingertips
Falls limply at my side
Fools dreams - that are now memory
A solitary life
A hope that went unanswered
For wrongs I cannot right
Though optimism beckons
A cry for faith in loves sweet ways
This longing goes unrequited
For the price – I can not pay
A heart that goes unnoticed
A soul that bares its pain
Still lingering in sorrow
Still weeping – yet in vain
So I shall bear this burden
Of loss and of regret
Alone my heart will mourn again
This truth and consequence…
Maybe is so far away
It's a ghost that haunts my heart
Maybe keeps me holding on
Keeps me wishing on a star
Maybe makes me lose my pride
It makes me gravel at your feet
It makes me think that one day you will see
That you could fall in love with me…
A thousand times I tell myself
This love it has no chance
The lies, regret, the loss of you
Is more than happenstance…
But this soul that weeps
That knows no peace
Is still foolish enough to believe
In forgiveness and in salvation
In the hope that one day
chaos in my head
once silenced gears
that persist and grind
through hollow tears
those demons had died
- or so repressednow awakened and stirring
in this man-made mess
of confusion and thoughts
again I fill with this dread
unnerved by the questions
that creep into my head
futility at hand
but addiction stands fast
scattered thoughts feel like madness
- clinging ghosts from my past.
How do you stay normal?
When you see the things we see
How does your life move forward?
With such visions of tragedy
The armor we wear it shields us
From the threat of physical pain
But our hearts go unprotected
Filled with countless victims names
How do we pull it off?
This act – so hard to follow
How do spend each day
So uncertain of tomorrow
With a shield and a gun
I play the heroes part
But a career full of heartaches
Can break even a hero's heart
How do I put this uniform on?
Its one leg at a time…
As I pray every shift
I can save someone
And victory might one day be mine.
This wounded soul
Has seen too much
It's broken and bruised
It's cold to the touch
..:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />
This empty shell
Is home to despair
Where once there was meaning
It now just lies bare…
How many times can I lose myself
Before all hope is gone
How many times can I fail myself
Just to sing this tragic song…
This life is a circus
A game I can't win
I'm lost and alone
I'm dead from within
This heart that's so battered
This soul that's so torn
I'm broken, I'm beaten
Yet still, I go on….
c. November 4, 2007

One year ago today....

I was lamenting on a blog about the shitty start of my day, the fact that it was my Dad's birthday, that it was raining, that I had too much work to do, and that my life had spun so far out of control that all I wanted to do was crawl into bed and stare out the window.
Oddly enough, not much has changed. Well, it's not raining at least... But it's still my Dad's birthday...he's still prematurely dead...and I still feel like my life is travelling a course all it's own - often times against my own better judgement. School has fallen by the wayside due to lack of time (and more importantly) a lack of interest, work is still much too much for me to handle on a daily basis, my boys are still growing up too fast and becoming less and less dependent on me - leaving me to wander around my empty house alone - remembering a time in the not so distant past when it was filled with love, laughter, the occasional yelling match, and the sound of what was (in retrospect) a wonderful life, and my solution for everything continues to be losing myself in whatever event, person, vacation, case, or seemingly meaningless task comes my way.
But the sad fact remains, that no matter how busy I make myself, no matter how certain I am of my own good intentions and place in life, no matter how glossy everything looks on the exterior....I still have to go home to that empty house, those people who I love the most are still gone, and I still feel like there is something inherently absent in my life.
c. November 29, 2007

Haters, Naysayers, and Malcontents.

Current mood: ecstatic

Well alright....I haven't written in a while, but just now, while listening to the ever-prolific (albeit unintelligable) Mazzy Star while taking a Cabernet-induced bubble bath, I decided to address a few topics that have been on my mind as of late. Follow I make the leap from thought to thought....and get to the jist of this blog.

I'm in the bath, and I'm really relaxed and enjoying my wine....and I'm thinking about all the funny comments I've received on my page today regarding my super gay and super over-the-top rainbow layout and cheeseball song "Walking on Sunshine." Which in case you are totally out of the loop, was merely a joke to raz Nicole about my newfound joy and happiness, courtesy of a much younger (yet equally fantastic) guy that I recently met. (don't worry, he's over 18).

So the thing is this....the funny "cougar" comments don't really bother me. They are silly, they are somewhat true, and they are not meant with any malice at all. Yet I know, that undoubtedly, there are those select few (or many?) people on my friends list, and at work, that look down on my antics and "Shannanigins" with distaste and harsh judgment of my personal ethics. I know this, because those people don't joke or laugh or make any comment at all....they just remain stoic and silent in their disaproval (which personaly makes me think they lack any kind of balls or spine or whatever....but hey....that's them). A few of them have commented that perhaps I should "settle down" at some point. But settle down to what I ask? I've had plenty of opportunities to settle down with Joe Average guy, but why would I do that? So I can end up in a miserable, loveless, passionless, convenient, 20 year marriage - like everyone else? I should think not. I'm hardly a commitment-phobe, but I will settle down with someone when I find the right guy to settle down with....and not a moment before.

And then I got to thinking about my married friends who do support my antics and dating exploits, because, as I've heard from more than one of them "I wish I had done more of that when I was single." Yes, the dating Shannanigins stop when you're married (at least they should), and so you are left with nothing but regrets about what (or whom) you didn't do when you had the chance. Well, I for one refuse to live my life with regrets. Sure, I have a everyone...but for the most part I march to the beat of my own drum. Which then got me to thinking about how much shit that particular "beat of my own drum" has gotten me into over the years. Law Enforcement is a profession full of conformists, which of course, I am NOT. But that is a whole other story....for a whole other time.

For now, all I can think of is all the people I know or have known who have lived their lives with too many reservations, existing for the happiness of other people, and full of excuses and timid explanations as to why they can't do what they really want to do. And I feel an overwhelming sadness and pity for them, that they limit themselves and stifle their desires...all because they are afraid of what other people will think. Well, I don't particulary care what other people think. And that's pretty fucking liberating if you ask me. Say what you want about me....but what you see is always what you get....and then some.

I'm ridiculously happy this week. Probably next week too. And who knows, if I'm lucky, maybe even the week after that. But since no day is guaranteed to us, why should I live my life today worrying about what might happen a year or two from now? It's just pointless. And very self-defeating. Life is so fragile, and we can go at any time. Most of us have known that type of unexpected loss of a loved one, and how difficult it is to accept. Even more difficult is the after-the-fact wishing, the - "I wish he'd have taken that dream vacation he wanted to go on" or "I wish she'd have spent some of her hard earned money while she was alive." It's so sad. And I refuse to fall victim to such unnecesary regrets. So I'm going to do it all NOW. Before it's too late.

So whether I die tomorrow or live to be 100, I'm going to continue living each day as if it was my last....and enjoying every single bit of my life to the fullest extent (which includes taking too many vacations, spending too much money on myself, and consorting with this particular hot younger guy). Don't be jealous, you too can live a life of no regrets! Just stop being such a hater, a naysayer, or a malcontent...and start living. I guarantee's more fun than a greased up whore at a bachellor party.

And hey, at the very least...when I die, there's gonna be one HELL of a photo slideshow at the funeral service.

a look inside my head (or, the "I'm depressed but NOT suicidal blog")

How many subject lines I have written, none of which fit my current thought process. Sitting here trying to get shit faced in the middle of the day, so I can black out before I do something unspeakable, makes my thoughts run together in such a way that they only make sense to me.

I want so badly to find a copy of the eulogy spoken at Wes Brights funeral. It must have been 10 years ago now, but it made so much sense to me that I've never forgotten it. Wes was so funny, and full of life, and until the last few months before he died, you'd have never guess he was so fucked in the head. He was an instructor in the academy, and to me, a friend. And I remember talking to him on the phone about 6 months befor he died, and he was so depressed, and sad, and I just couldn't get to him. But I remember talking to him and thinking, "he's not going to be okay." I was right. He ended up shooting himself in the head when his marriage fell apart.

How do you eulogize a cop who killed himself? It seems the ultimate cowardly act. But at the funeral, as the minister was speaking, he talked about the symbolic "backpack" that everyone carries throughout their life. And how, as you move on through hardships, you pick up things, heavy things, things that are hard to bare the weight of, and you carry them in your backpack. Sometimes, there are people there to help you carry that load, and sometimes, you bare the weight of it alone. He talked about how Wes's pack got too full, and he couldn't carry it anymore. How he decided the day he took his life to simply, "set his pack down." And he spoke so fondly of Wes, and assured him that now, in his passing, that we understood his load was too heavy, and we would carry his pack for him. It sounds so simple, and to me, it was. I had a great affection for Wes Bright. And much as I wanted to be angry that he killed himself, I couldn't. I understood that weight that he carried, and I understood the hasty choice he made that day.

Same as I understood the decision of Matt Acker, and the Vietnam Vet who slashed his wrists - and who I watched die - back in 1997 in Pacific Division. And the young girl who hanged herself in her bedroom, and who's mom found her, and Lamar Youngblood who overdosed over a failed relationship, and that kid that blew his brains out with a shotgun in the manors a few years back. I understand those peoples choices, because on days life this, when I'm alone and no one is here to help me with my pack, I want to set it down too. I want to check out and stop hurting - the same way that they did. But I know that I can't.

I look at the pictures of my boys with their Dad and Stepmom, and see what a family looks like. A family that I don't have....and I feel invisible. I feel like they won't notice if I'm gone. They don't call me, they don't email me, they don't even put me in their MySpace top friends - that's for their stepmom. They won't even miss me. But maybe, just maybe, I keep telling myself - they would. And I don't want to take that chance. The chance at ruining a future filled with the love and affection of my kids. It's not here today, but maybe one will be. So I keep holding on. I keep carrying this pack that's way too heavy for me, and I keep hoping that someday, someone will come along that will want to help me carry these burdens.....but the wait it killing me.

It may not be killing me literally, I may not have put a gun to my head, or hung myself, but I'm dying every day a little more. Everyday I lose more and more of the person that I used to be, and everyday I move closer to just giving up all together. My friends are not naive....they see it happening. And so, they either distance themselves from me, or they try in vain to assure me things will get better. I appreciate their sentiments. I do. I know how hard it is to talk to someone on the edge of insanity....I've done it myself - to no avail. Once someone has decided they want to crawl into oblivion, there's little anyone can do to coax them out.

And that's where I am. Lost. With nothing but memories of what my life used to be. I used to be happy, and carefree, and fun...and alive. And now, I'm a ghost. Waiting for something to take me off this course of self destruction. I drive the freeway waiting for an accident to put me out of my misery, or wondering why I'm not stricken wiht some terminal illness. I have all the health and vitality I need to live a long life...only I have no will to live it.

My dad was in this place when he died of a heart attack. He had lost hope, lost his will to live...I remember. We even talked about it. And so, while I was devastated by his death....I took comfort in the fact that he was out of his misery. He didn't have that pack to carry any longer. I remember standing at his casket at 22 years old, and wispering to him, "take me with you." Some people are just pre-disposed to depression I guess. And it would seem I'm one of them. Such is life. The highs may be very high, but the lows, are almost unbearable.

The saddest part it, as was the case with Wes Bright, if I post this blog - which is what I truly want to do - people may be so concerned about my well being that they alert my department. And then I get to joing the "rubber gun" squad - which is no place to be. Which is all together ridiculous, because I'm such a vain and squeemish person that If I was gonna kill myself, I'd never in a million years shoot myself. But such is the case with law enforcement. We aren't supposed to get weak, or depressed, or have thoughts of suicide.....otherwise we are considered "defective" and "not strong enough." I've worried for so long about anyone realizing how truly fucked I was in the head, that honestly, at this point...I just don't give a shit anymore.

I'm on my third drink at 3 p.m. - one more and I'll hopefully be sleeping the rest of this shit day away.....
DISCLAIMER UPDATE - 11-13-08: Depressed, YES. Horribly shitty day of my life, YES. Suicidal, NO. Cry for help, NO. Just a blog, an outlet for my frustration and emotional turmoil, a mental mind-dump of sorts. Sorry for the undue stress it may have caused some of you. I truly am. So yeah. Probably not a good idea to post these types of blogs without first assuring everyone that you are in fact - NOT going to kill yourself.
Fear not my friends...I will live to blog again!

c. November 13, 2008