Saturday, February 10, 2007

The boys, life, and what's important....

So, the boys are outside tossing around the football - and I'm suddenly inspired by the perfection of this day. The house is a mess, I'm still in sweats and a ponytail, the laundry needs to be done, gotta fix Daryl's bike and clean the patio - but this day is awesome so far. I can't recall a day this good in a while.

It's the simple pleasure of hearing the kids laugh and watching them play. Or having an UN-forced conversation with them. Douglas talking about why he is a better receiver than a QB, or Daryl telling me without hesitation that Douglas has a better arm than he's the nicest, most heartwarming feeling ever. My boys - for all their many, MANY moments of obnoxious, rude behavior - are really good kids at heart. I think all things considered, I did alright with them.

Today Daryl was encouraging my attempts to train and run B2V. He could of easily scoffed at my 12-minute mile time (he can run it in 4:55), but instead he told me, "well that's really good - at least you can run two miles." I was very touched by his positive attitude - and immensly happy that he isn't acting like he hates me anymore (December and January were ROUGH months for us). Now, with him living at his Dads, it seems like when he's here with me - I have my old Daryl back again. The sweet, kind, always willing to laugh and joke around kid - that I love so much. Gosh, he's really terrific. And when he's at his best - it brings Douglas out of his dreary, anti-social, 16-year-old shell. To hear them joke around together and talk trash to each other - might not seem like much, but it's just the best feeling ever.

I snapped a picture of the two of them this morning. Douglas had gotten into Daryl's bed with him, and they were watching TV (The 40 Year Old Virgin - lol) and looking at their yearbook together. At 16 and 13 - the fact that they are still so close and comfortable being near one another - amazes me. Doug was mad I took the pic (of course) - but it's a great reminder of how much they love each other. My boys. They have my whole heart wrapped up inside them - and can bring me to tears with the simplest of gestures.

I'm reading that book - "Tuesdays with Morrie" - and it's a real tearjerker. Very sad, but very profound as well. It's reminded me a lot about what is important in life - and what is not. Having my boys happy, having wonderful friends and family who fill my life with love and laughter, and having a sense of higher purpose - are really the only things in life that give me true satisfaction. Everything else is secondary. Everyone should read that book (and the 5 people you meet in heaven) - and take stock of their lives. Too many times we forget what is important....and life just seems to pass us by without ever leaving much of an impression.

Alright, enough rambling about how perfect this day is....I still have much to do and I have to go and nag Douglas to do his homework before he hooks up his new PS3 (he paid for it himself with money he'd saved over the past 2 years - so I'm very impressed with him meeting his goal!). Daryl has promised to help me "work out" with the weights in the garage, so that will be fun......ahhhhh is only as good as you believe it is. And at this moment, I know that MY life - is pretty darn perfect.